Nasza oferta

Kompleksowa pomoc dla niezależnych autorów

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prawdziwą książkę!

Nasza oferta obejmuje: przygotowanie projektu okładki, składu oraz wersji ebook.
Skład książki

Projekt i formatowanie wnętrza książki oraz przygotowanie pliku do druku.


Projekt okładki książki lub serii książek, a gdy trzeba całej identyfikacji wizualnej.

Wersja e-book

Wersja elektroniczna książki w formacie *.epub do oczytu np. na Kindle.

Najlepszy efekt

Holistyczne podejście

okładka, skład i e-book w jednym miejscu

Książka to kompleksowy projekt, który składa się z treści (wnętrza/składu), okładki, e-booka i materiałów marketingowych, dlatego ważne jest, aby wszystkie elementy były spójne graficznie. Podejście takie nazywamy "holistycznym".

Jeśli różne osoby zajmują się projektem okładki i wnętrza książki, konieczne jest zachowanie spójności stylistycznej. W przypadku posiadania już gotowej okładki lub wnętrza przygotowanego przez innego projektanta, z pewnością możemy je wykorzystać. Pierwsze wrażenie czytelnika oraz skuteczność strategii marketingowej zależą w dużej mierze od tego, w jaki sposób prezentuje się książka.

Ważne jest, aby wszystkie elementy książki - jej projekt, wybrana czcionka, kolorystyka oraz materiały marketingowe tworzyły spójną całość. Można powiedzieć, że stanowią one integralną część identyfikacji wizualnej. Najlepsze rezultaty osiąga się, gdy projekt książki jest realizowany holistycznie przez jednego projektanta, który zapewnia spójność pomiędzy poszczególnymi elementami.

Zawsze dbamy o spójność marki we wszystkich materiałach - od okładki i układu książki po materiały marketingowe. Współpracując z nami, nie musisz angażować kilku różnych projektantów. Dzięki temu wszystko jest bardziej zorganizowane i efektywne. Czy to nie jest łatwiejsze?

Gdy książka jest już gotowa do druku, trzeba ją jeszcze sprzedać. Możemy pomóc także w przygotowaniu materiałów promocyjnych, które będą spójne z projektem książki.
Materiały promocyjne

Projekt dowolnych materiałów promocyjnych, spójnych z projektem książki.

Kartki świąteczne

Grafiki promujące Twoją książkę w social mediach, wspierające akcję "Gwiazdka dla zwierzaka".



Bez ryzyka 100% satysfakcji

Zawsze pracujemy nad projektem tak długo, aż klient będzie w pełni zadowolony. Nieograniczona liczba zmian.


Unikatowość Indywidualne podejście

Nie mamy setek klientów, nie oferujemy projektów w 24 godziny. Każdy klient jest traktowany indywidualnie.


Bez nieporozumień Komunikacja

Komunikacja to podstawa, dlatego każdy projekt jest poprzedzony dyskusją z klientem, tak by dobrze zrozumieć Twoje oczekiwnia.


Spójność projektu Projekt jako całość

Zawsze staramy się podejść do projektu holistycznie, dbając o to, aby okładka, wnętrze (skład, wybór czcionki), ebook stanowiły spójne elementy większej całości, czy też identyfikacji wizualnej.

Opinie naszych klientów
Opinia od Brigitte E.S. Jansen (Gesellschaft für Arbeitsmethodik®)

If you're are looking for great layout options for your book, look no further than artimpression. He has years of experience in designing layouts, both traditional and modern, and he always delivered perfect results. I highly recommend artimpression to anyone who wants their book to look polished and professional. From start to finish, their process is seamless and his attention to detail is unparalleled. Don't hesitate to work with artimpression for all your layout needs:eBooks, hardcover, softcover. I am really working a couple of years with him.

- Brigitte E.S. Jansen (Gesellschaft für Arbeitsmethodik®)
Opinia od Jay Puranik 'Letters of a Bloodline - Thicker Than Blood'

Greg is outstanding! I hired Greg on a recommendation from a friend and was not disappointed. My book cover was for a very complex subject, and the way Greg used his creativity and excellent technical skills, it was a very smooth experience. I am certainly going to take Greg's help for my next book covers as well ☺

- Jay Puranik "Letters of a Bloodline - Thicker Than Blood"
Opinia od Dotty Edwards 'BiPower'

There are no sufficient words in the dictionary to describe the quality of work, professional and quick response time. You MUST go with him. I'm sure I bugged him to death, but he didn't make me feel like a bother. He is really quick with his deliveries. I liked him so much I ended up using him for a second book, when I initially started with a different designer. He made me change my mind once I saw how well he did on this one! I had to use him for the other. You are silly if you miss this opportunity.

- Dotty Edwards "BiPower"
Opinia od Aleksandra Laird 'Angielski Tu i Teraz'

Grzegorz is an extraordinary professional! He implements all instructions with great attention to every detail. For me, one of his most important skill sets is his ability to self manage and keep our projects moving forward no matter my availability or the lack thereof. Grzegorz puts his heart and soul into his work. I am humbled to have worked with someone of such high integrity and so committed to our mutual success. A truly great business partner.

- Aleksandra Laird "Angielski Tu i Teraz"
Opinia od Akira Knightley 'The Obsidian Crown'

Great ideas and suggestion. Top notch artistic skills and great communication. The book cover is spectacular and interior is superbly done!

- Akira Knightley "The Obsidian Crown"
Opinia od Adam Ma 'Catch up with TOP Achievers'

Extremely professional! Unbelievably good at graphic designing and interior formatting! Trust worthy! Over all I'm extremely grateful to have him as my designer for my first book! I highly recommend! Definitely worth the money!

- Adam Ma "Catch up with TOP Achievers"
Opinia od Oliver Meech 'Sell Your Show in seconds'

A pleasure to work with! Professional, creative, patient and responsive. Painless process and wonderful result. I'd recommend to anyone. He rocks!

- Oliver Meech "Sell Your Show in seconds"
Opinia od Christine Horn 'Playing Small'

This seller is amazingly patient and talented. Very willing to make sure I got a product I could be happy with. Trusting someone to create something that represents your hard work can be scary, but I am very pleased. Thank you again!

- Christine Horn "Playing Small"
Opinia od Carolyn Akinyemi 'Eczema decoded'

Absolute pleasure to work with and amazing results. I am very happy with the results and all the very helpful suggestions to improve the experience of my readers. Great communication and patient. If you are looking for book cover design, and manuscript typesetting services Greg is your man!

- Carolyn Akinyemi "Eczema decoded"
Opinia od dr Dan Wijeratne 'OrkZen'

Absolute superstar! Highly professional Attention to detail and most importantly you are not a number to him… Excellent work ! Thank you

- dr Dan Wijeratne "OrkZen"
Opinia od Sara Phillips 'Enrolling new clients'

He is absolutely amazing. As a new author, I was very nervous and had no clue what I was doing. He held my hand the entire way and created a beautiful and engaging cover and text. I couldn't have asked for more!!

- Sara Phillips "Enrolling new clients"
Opinia od Chanara Dulaney 'No Longer Numb'

Absolutely amazing work and will work with you until it’s exactly what you want!

- Chanara Dulaney "No Longer Numb"
Opinia od Marcos Borges 'Dios Quiere Prosperarte'

We started hiring him for 1 design and ended up doing 3 and we are considering to hire him for 3 more. So professional and his photoshop skills are fantastic. He understood our idea right away and executed perfectly.

- Marcos Borges "Dios Quiere Prosperarte"
Opinia od Susanne Anderson 'One Minds Manifesto'

Greg was extremely thorough in his work, suggesting amendments for design consistency of his own initiative. He has been really supportive of me, going over and above the original brief. Very highly recommended.

- Susanne Anderson "One Minds Manifesto"
Opinia od T. Avila 'Patron Saint of Misfits'

Works until you are happy with it :-) Very reliable.

- T. Avila "Patron Saint of Misfits"
Opinia od Michael Misch 'Divergence'

He is a rare gem willing to do whatever it takes. A professional that goes way beyond the call of duty.

- Michael Misch "Divergence"
Opinia od Lenard Hale 'The Demon's Crystal'

One of the best freelancer I have ever worked with. He took great interest in my project from the very beginning and is very enthusiastic for his work. Very polite and had very professional approach towards his task. Would surely hire him again! Thanks.

- Lenard Hale "The Demon's Crystal"
Opinia od Mela Harris 'The Garden'

Grzegorz was an absolute pleasure to work with. He provided plenty of advice and he exceeded the our expectations. I gave him a very challenging project and from the start the work he produced was brilliant. We didn't need to have any changes made. He's fast, honest and very patient! We will continue to use him for future projects.

- Mela Harris "The Garden"
Opinia od Daniel Adler 'Pantanjalis Yoga Sutras'

Greg from Artimpression is endlessly patient and worked to get the best result for me. His design ideas and layout made my books presentation better than I hoped. I have already asked Greg to do my next book.
Highly recommended.

- Daniel Adler "Pantanjalis Yoga Sutras"
Opinia od Guy Bloom 'Living Brave'

This has been a truly EXCEPTIONAL experience. Over the last few months we've been in constant communication on a quite complex project. not always made easier by mistakes or "can you please change X or y". Always quick to respond, excellent English, on the ball and very skilled. Can I give 10 stars?

- Guy Bloom "Living Brave"
Opinia od Leonie T. Mattison 'The Thread'

Our journey together has been incredible. He's the most talented, patient, and respectful designer I've worked with. The women in jail love the book he designed and are wanting more. God bless you for all you do to help others shine through.Don't hesitate to work with this seller. He's very talented

- Leonie T. Mattison "The Thread"
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